

*No 5am class today due to the holiday! 8:30am and 4:15pm classes are still on the schedule*

Surprise! It’s assessment day! You’ve been at the program for 8 weeks, do its time to see how you’ve improved. The goal with this second assessment is to use the same weight for MP + GSQ, increase the number of pushups completed and decrease your run time. Previous scores are on the board! Be sure to write your new scores next to your old ones 👊🏻


PVC mobility

5 pushup to down dog
5/5 BU press
5 prying GSQ
100m run


EMOM x 10 min
3/3 MP
15 GSQ (butt to ball!)
*Use same weight for both.

Rest 2 min

1 min ME HRPU
* Unless modifying on knees, keep knees OFF the floor. Pick your knees up before starting each pushup to prevent that weird snake move that isn’t actually a pushup.

Rest 2 min

800m run for time

~Record weight used for the MP/ GSQ, total reps of pushups, and time of run.


Roll and stretch