
As a member, you'll get a MyZone heart rate monitoring strap that you can use both inside and outside of the gym to keep you motivated and make sure you're working at a level that's appropriate for you.  After all, it doesn't matter what size kettlebell everyone else is using, or how your speed compares to theirs; all that matters is the amount of effort you put forth, and that's what your heart rate monitor is for!


Your MyZone monitor will also allow you to participate in our monthly challenges!  When you wear your monitor to workout, you earn points, called MEPs, based on how hard and how long you work.  When you meet the goal for the current challenge, your name will be entered into a drawing for a prize.  These challenges keep our members motivated to keep moving consistently, and we know that consistency is the key to creating lasting change!

Octane members can order their monitor at $80 off the retail price using the button below!

The MyZone point system

