


PVC mobility


10 OH squats

10 Stick DL drill

5 Pushup to downdog

100m run

Work Capacity


100 swings/ plank

80 wall balls/ wall sit

60 TTB/ hang from bar

40 burpees/ flutter kicks

1 mile run/ rest

*As a pair, complete the total number of reps/ run distance. One partner works on reps while the other holds the “rest” position. Reps for the working partner don’t count unless the other partner is assuming the “rest” position! Swap as desired.

Or… kick it up a notch!

If you’re feeling frisky and want to amp up the challenge, take on the workout solo! Complete all the reps yourself, and skip the “rest” positions. Get through the reps and then finish with the mile run as quickly as possible.


Roll and stretch with bands