
It’s finally time to start the reopening process! Woot woot! In order to make this transition smooth and continue to keep everyone safe, we’re going to start with outdoor workouts only. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday of next week, we’ll have outdoor workouts at 5:30am and 4:15pm. Classes will be held at the gym and the door will be open for members to go in and out, grab equipment and bring it out to the sidewalk, etc, but we will stay outside as much as possible. This will prevent us from having to limit class sizes and enable to us to maintain our space. The following week (starting May 25), we will add 8:30am classes to that outdoor class schedule on those days.

The Tuesday and Thursday kettlebell workouts will continue to be home workouts for now, so you don’t need to return those kettlebells yet! But please do return all other equipment you have borrowed during the outdoor class times, or arrange another time with Shannon to return them. We’ll continue doing FaceTime calls for the kettlebell classes and all workouts will continue to be posted on the website for those of you who still choose to do them from home.

I’m eager to see everyone again! If you need directions to the gym, let me know 😜