
28 Days of Real Food kickoff meeting is this evening at 7pm!  Join us next door at the Foundry for snacks and a movie, and get the rules for the challenge. 

For Time
1 KB Complex* 
10 Hanging Knee Raise 
2 KB Complex
20 Hanging Knee Raise
3 KB Complex
30 Hanging Knee Raise

2 KB Complex
20 Hanging Knee Raise
1 KB Complex

10 Hanging Knee Raise

KB Complex:
1 TGU (up only)
2 Thrusters
4 OH Lunges
Then finish the TGU by laying back down

Repeat other side.
When doing 2 and 3 reps of the complex, perform all reps on one side before switching and doing the other side.

On the hanging knee raise, be sure to curl the pelvis up and pull the knees toward your elbows!  
