PiYo tomorrow at 8:30am!  It will be a $5 drop in class for non-members, so pass it along!  This class is open to all :)
Also, make a mental note that final assessments are coming up on Monday.  So rest up on Sunday, get in some good recovery yoga at 3pm with Candy (also a $5 drop-in), and plan to be there on Monday to see how much you've improved since the beginning of March!


EMOM x 10
10 KB Swings
5 Goblet Squats

-Rest 5 min-

EMOM x 10
8 KB Push Press (alt sides each round)
5 Burpees


EMOM x 10

10 KB Swings
5 Air Squats

-Rest 5 min-

EMOM x 10
8 KB Push Press (alt sides each round)
2 Burpees
