
Week 1

Welcome to SEAL Training!  Before we get started there are a couple of things we need to cover.  First, there is a schedule change!  Classes will start at 5am, 8:30, 10:30, 4:15 and 5:30.  Please be on time!  There is a protocol that needs to be followed for each class, and we will need to stick to it in order to finish everything within the class time.  Aim to be in class 5 minutes before starting time!

Next, there will be a new goal each week for you to focus on either in class, outside of class, or both.  These will be posted with the Monday workouts at the beginning of each week, and we'll discuss them in class as well.  Your participation in working on these goals will go a long way toward changing your habits, keeping you performing your best during the workouts, and feeling and moving better all the time.  

Lastly, I strongly encourage everyone to keep their own workout journal.  Just a cheap spiral or composition book is all you need!  You can even keep this in your phone if you prefer- Evernote is a great app for this.  In it, you can record your goals, workouts, recovery habits, etc.  We'll get to all that as we move along.  It will go a long way toward helping you stay on track!

That's covered, now let's get started!


Goal: Breathing

Bring your awareness to your breathing several times throughout the day and be sure you are breathing fully.  Try a few minutes of box breathing any time you are feeling stressed out or having trouble relaxing.  Stay aware of your breath during workouts, and continue breathing through the nose and out through the mouth as much as possible.

Dr Andrew Weil said, “Improper breathing is a common cause of ill health.  If I had to limit my advice on healthier living to just one item, it would be simply to learn how to breathe correctly.  There’s no single more powerful— or more simple— daily practice to further your health and well-being than breath work.”  Because breathing is a controllable event that can be regulated, it’s very useful for attaining a relaxed and centered state of mind.

Oxygen feeds every part of your body.  Breathing deeply and slowly will relax the body, while instantly sending powerful doses of oxygen to the brain and every single cell of the body.  Deep breathing raises blood oxygen levels, stimulating the digestive system, and improving physical and mental performance.

Before every workout, you will spend a few minutes performing box breathing while you roll out your muscles.  Box breathing consists of exhaling all the air from your lungs through the nose to a count of 4, holding it for 4, inhaling fully through the nose to a count of 4, holding for 4, and repeating.  You can build up to longer increments of time as it becomes more comfortable.  This calms and prepares your nervous system.

Being aware of your breathing is vital to increase you power, presence and mental control during the workouts. SEALs call this arousal control.  Breathe in through the nose and out through the nose or mouth as much as possible.  Take air all the way into the lungs- your belly should expand with each breath.  If you feel the need to gasp for air, take a few mouth breaths, then go back to controlling your breathing through the nose.  During rests, always focus on deep, slow breathing.



The first 4 weeks are the on ramp phase, which lead into the basic training phase of weeks 5 through 8.  Use these first 4 weeks to work on mastering the moves, your breathing and mobility, and being consistent! 

Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots/ ROM drills

3 Rounds
200m Run
10 Air Squats
10/10 Arm Circles (10 fwd/ 10 bkwd)

5 Rounds
5 Double FSQ (modify to GSQ)
*Keep it fairly light

Work Capacity (this will be our first assessment)
For time
500m Run
40 Air Squats
30 Butterfly Situps
10 Pullups (kipping is fine, but chin must clear the bar!  Modify with band, jumping pullups, or ring rows)

Yoga Hip and Shoulder Mobility.
