

Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots
ROM drills

3 Rounds
20 sec Active Hang (straight arms, shoulders pulled down)
20 Mountain Climbers
10 Ball Slams

Work Capacity
3 Rounds
20 Bear Squats
20 Hip Bridges

-400m Run-

3 Rounds
10 Pushups
10 Pullups (kipping is ok, or go to jumping pull-ups or ring rows)

-400m Run-

3 Rounds
20 Air Squats
20 Frog Thrusters

-400m Run-

100 Back crunches*

*In crunch position, rather than trying to crunch up off the ground, crunch your back down into the ground.  There will be some upper torso lifting off the floor, but that’s not the focus.  The focus is pressing lower back down HARD into the floor.  It's like lifting into a hollow body hold, but your feet remain flat on the floor and your hands are supporting your head.  It can help to roll a yoga mat under the lower back and “press” the mat into the floor with each crunch.
