

Shoulder ROM with PVC

3 Rounds
10/10 Bird Dog
10 Frog Thrusters
10 Air Squats
10 Good Mornings

Work Capacity
10 min AMRAP
1/1 TGU
10 KBS

Then, Tabata
Air Squats
Shuttle Run (25m and back)

*If you get to failure on pushups, rather than forcing more reps out with crummy form, modify your pushups or switch to holding a plank!  The most important part of the pushup is not moving your chest up and down, but holding maximum tension and maintaining a straight line from the top of your head to the base of your spine.  If you can't hold that posture while pushing away from the floor, then you can modify by elevating your upper body on a box or stopping the pushups altogether and focusing on holding that tight posture in a plank!

Stretch with bands
