
Lee Ann Box will be holding an American Heart Association Heartsaver CPR class at Octane on Sunday, October 9 at 4:30pm.  The cost to attend is $25 and includes your CPR card.  This is a really convenient way to get certified!  This is open to anyeone- Octane membership not required!  Only 10 people can be accommodated, so sign up quickly.  If there is enough interest, LeeAnn is willing to teach a second class, also.  To sign up, head to the schedule, find the CPR certification on October 9, and sign up!


PVC Mobility

3 Rounds
3 Inchworm + pushup
10 Ball Slams
10 Prisoner Walking Lunges
100m Run

Work Capacity
20 min AMRAP, 200m Run every 4 mins*
20 Box Jumps
10 Pushups
20 Air Squats
10 Pullups/ ring rows

Start with a 200m Run, then begin the AMRAP.  Stop where you are at the 4:00 mark to run again, and pick up where you left off when you get back.  You will also stop and run at 8:00, 12:00, and 16:00.

Couch stretch, Hamstring stretch, roll and stretch calves
