
Week 7

Goal of the week- Positive internal dialogue

Be mindful of negative self talk and stop it in it’s tracks.  Replace these thoughts with positive ones every time they arise.

What you say to yourself matters.  Henry Ford said it best: “Whether you think you can or your can’t, you’re right.” 

Working on your thought patterns can be tough, but it is an extremely valuable skill to master.  Start by paying attention to your thoughts, and recognize when you start a negative thought pattern.  Then, override those negative thoughts with positive ones.  This isn’t as easy as it sounds, and it definitely takes some practice!  Next time you see a workout on the board and start thinking, “You want us to do WHAT?!”, switch gears and say something to yourself like, “I’m feeling good and strong… I’ve got this”.  I hear you guys encourage each other all the time during those workouts.  Treat yourself with as much respect as you treat your friends, and give yourself the same amount of encouragement and confidence!   This applies to anything and everything in your daily life; not just your workouts.  

Remember the dirt dives we talked about when we first started the SEAL training programming?  Dirt diving is positive visualization; it’s succeeding in your mind first, so you can then go on to succeed in real life.  This is an extension of positive self talk.  If you can tell yourself that you can do it, and then see yourself do it, you WILL do it!




Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots/ ROM drills

400m Run
10 Air Squats
10 Goblet Squats
10 Lunges



3 Double KB Front Squats

Work Capacity

50 Pullups
75 Situps
50 GSQ
75 DU


50 2-count Flutter kicks (100 total kicks)
50 Leg levers (straight leg raises)

Yoga or active stretch.
