Octane's Fitmas challenge!
According to the New England Journal of Medicine, the holiday weight you gain from October through January will take you 5 months to lose. This means you'll be carrying around that extra fluff until the Easter bunny arrives! This year, Octane challenges you to stop the holiday weight gain before it starts, because we know it's easier to prevent the extra pounds than it is to lose them. Join us for the 8 week Fitmas Challenge to stay fit and win prizes!
Here's the deal:
Attend a minimum of 24 workouts (3 per week) from Nov 6- Dec 30. Both gym classes and outdoor bootcamp classes count. You are responsible for signing yourself in!
Every workout attended after hitting the 24 minimum = 1 point each
yoga classes= 1 point each
Post a workout selfie on FB or Instagram and tag Octane (@octanetraining on FB or @trainoctane on Instagram)= 1 point each
Bring a friend to a workout= 1 point
Everyone who reaches the minimum of 24 workouts will win an Octane tee! In addition, the member with the highest total points will win other cool prizes, to be announced!
10/10 Bird Dog
10 Walking Lunges
10 Ball Thrusters
High knees/ butt kicks
5 min DU practice
Work Capacity
6 min AMRAP
10 Burpees
10 Ball Slams
10 Killers
Rest 2 min
In 4 mins
10 Wall Balls
Bear Crawl length of gym and back
Then, ME DU in time remaining
Rest 2 min
50m Sprint/ Walk Back
Roll/ stretch lower body