
Week 3

Goal of the week- practice gratitude

Focus on the positive things that happened every day. Record three things you are grateful for in your journal nightly.

One of the aspects of the SEAL training program that sets it apart from most others is the importance it places on mental training and a positive attitude. Mark Devine (creator of SEALfit) makes it clear that you need to get your mind right in order to get your body right. He says that you shouldn’t even begin to tackle any physical challenge until you have already won it in your mind. In order to reach any of your goals, it’s important to begin with an optimistic attitude; a negative attitude certainly won’t get you very far.

One very simple way to work on cultivating optimism is by practicing gratitude. By focusing on the positive things in your life, no matter how small, you will begin to see and attract MORE positive things, and the negative things will disappear. If you focus on the negative, you will only continue to create more negative.

Creating an optimistic attitude improves your psychological health, which improves your physical health. It’s all connected! We can’t optimize our physical health without optimizing our mental health, so it’s important to be as driven and consistent with your mental exercises as you are with the workouts in the gym. This practice will only take a few minutes every night, but the key is consistency! Don’t skip a single day.

Your training journal will now contain your workout results, water intake, and three things you’re grateful for every day.




Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots/ ROM drills

400m Run
Air Squats
Jumping Pull Ups


5 Suitcase Deadlifts
Rest 1-2 mins between sets

Work Capacity

5 Rounds for Time
12 KB Swings
6/6 Push Presses (20/12kg)
9 Burpees


Yoga or active stretch.
