New shirt orders going in! You can get this design as a muscle tank or a tee. Both are $23 each. Message Shannon with your order or write it on the white board at the gym! The last day to enter your order is next Wednesday, Sept. 11. Payment can be …

New shirt orders going in! You can get this design as a muscle tank or a tee. Both are $23 each. Message Shannon with your order or write it on the white board at the gym! The last day to enter your order is next Wednesday, Sept. 11. Payment can be made through your memnership account or with cash or check.



PVC shoulder mobility + stick DL

bear crawl
5 good mornings
1/1 TGU


3x, as heavy as possible with good form
10/10 Single leg deadlifts
10/10 one arm MP
rest until HR returns to gray (use the time to roll or work on other mobility drills)

30 KB swings
15 ring row



roll glutes and hamstrings