

New assessment! We’re going to start a new style of programming for the next 8 weeks. MWF will be a variety of cardio, and TThSa will each contain 2 strength circuits. We’ll progress from 3 sets of 6-8 to 3 sets of 10-12. The goal is to increase strength and if you’re eating right for it, it’ll also be great for building visible muscle! 💪🏻

The MyZone challenge will be to hit 300 MEPs per week… don’t expect to earn a ton of points on strength days! If you’re racking up points on those days, you aren’t resting long enough to really build strength. Work on earning your points on the cardio days.


PVC mobility

5 pushup to down dog
5/5 BU press
5 prying GSQ
100m run


EMOM x 10 min
3/3 MP
15 GSQ (butt to ball!)
*Use same weight for both.

Rest 2 min

1 min ME HRPU
* Unless modifying on knees, keep knees OFF the floor. Pick your knees up before starting each pushup to prevent the weird snake move that isn’t actually a pushup.

Rest 2 min

800m run for time

~Record weight used for the MP/ GSQ, total reps of pushups, and time of run.


Roll and stretch
