New Year's Challenge starts Monday!! Be sure to have your monthly goals sheet filled out and start your food journal. If you haven't already done so, download the free MyFitnessPal app on your phone and use this for your journal (if you don't have a phone you can get the app on, head to our homepage and download the daily journal page and print out lots of copies to use!) Make sure your weekly goals are specific, and they don't only include where you want to BE by the end of the week (a pound lighter, maybe?) but WHAT you are going to do to get there (attend 4 octane classes, get 8 hours of sleep per night, have 4 protein servings daily, etc).

We have a scale in the gym and your coach can take your waist measurement for you. Be sure you get these two numbers recorded onto your monthly goal sheet so you can track your progress.

Bootcamp Workout Fitness Assessments!! Make an extra effort to be there!

Warmup 5 rounds: 10 good mornings 15 hollow rocks 20 jumping jacks

Assessment, for time: 10 kb swings 10 butterfly sit-ups 100m run 20 kb swings 20 butterfly sit-ups 200m run 30 kb swings 30 butterfly sit-ups 300m run 40 kb swings 40 butterfly sit-ups 400m run

20 min cutoff

