Here are some pretty sobering statistics for you... Did you know that louisiana currently has the highest obesity rate in the nation, and that metabolic disorder affects more than 1/3 of the US population? And these numbers CONTINUE to grow. Lifestyle diseases that once only appeared later in life are now showing up in our children. The health of our nation is not getting better... It's getting out of control. But these health issues are preventable and can even be reversed. Just because obesity and disease are becoming more prevalent doesn't mean you should accept them as "normal".

Our mission at Octane is to make optimal health and fitness accessible and attainable to everyone. It is so rewarding to see our members getting into the best shape of their lives... many of them at the age when the health of the average American begins to decline. Our members are proving that our health is a choice, and losing it isn't inevitable. Of course, it isn't easy to take care of our bodies... it's hard work. But once you begin to see and feel the results of your effort, you realize just how worth it that work is, and you begin to wish you hadn't waited so long to put a priority on your health.

Kudos to all of you, whether you've been at it with us for three years or three days. Whether you intend to or not, by working hard on your body, you're helping to change the state of health in our small Louisiana town.

Ok, getting off my soapbox now. It just hits me pretty hard every now and then how darn proud I am to be a part of this awesome thing :). Back to your regularly scheduled programming...

Training Room Workout Thursday

4 sets max effort Pullups (chin hang or eccentric) rest 90 sec between sets

Then, for time 10 burpees 20 Box jumps (20 over the ball jumps) 30 Knee to elbow (20 toe to wall) 40 HRPU (20 HRPU) 50 Jumping pullups ( 20 jumping pullups) 40 HRPU (20 HRPU) 30 knee to elbow (20 toe to wall) 20 box jumps (20 over the ball jumps) 10 burpees


Bootcamp Workout Friday 800m run (600m) 30 pistols (40 air squats) 50 HRPU (20 HRPU) 600m run (400m) 20 pistols (30 air squats) 40 HRPU (15 HRPU) 400m run (200m) 10 pistols (20 air squats) 30 HRPU (10 HRPU)

Blue zone modifications are in parenthesis.
