Mark your calendar for a group run (or walk!) this coming Saturday, March 29. We will leave from Starbucks (Forsythe location) at 8:30am to drive to Lincoln Parish Park in Ruston (weather permitting). If you haven't been there before, you're in for a treat! There are 10 miles of beautiful trails through the woods and a one mile paved loop around the lake. Bring your family and friends, go at your own pace and cover whatever distance you'd like! Don't forget your water and we'll provide post run/walk fruit to snack on. This is always a fun group trip, and we'd love to see everyone there! Entrance fee to the park is $2 per person, and credit cards are accepted. Bootcamp Workout

20 min AMRAP 20 KB Swings 20 Goblet Squats (Air Squats) 20 Burpees (10 Burpees)
