Join Octane member, and health and wellness coach, Ashley White in the training room on April 26! She will be leading a seminar geared to those who have weight loss goals. Open to anyone! Training Room Thursday

3 Rounds: 15 KB Swings 60 Butterfly Situps with ball (30 Situps or Crunches) Rest 1 min between rounds

Rest 5 mins

3 Rounds: 15 Body Rows 30 Burpees (15 Burpees) Rest 1 min between rounds

Rest 5 mins

50 Box Jumps (25 Box Jumps or Step Ups per leg)


Bootcamp Workout Thursday & Friday

800m Run then 2 min AMRAP Wall Balls (sub KB wall balls for outside classes)

*Score = Run time- Wall ball reps. For example, if you run an 8:30 and get 20 wall balls, your score is 830-20= 810
