Don't forget to keep up with your 3 grateful things each night, from last week's BodEvolve goals! Tuesday @ Training Room 5am, 7:30, 8:30, (9:30 yoga), 10:30, 4:15pm, 5:45

For Time 400m run 20 HSPU (40 Pike PU) 300m run 15 HSPU (30 Pike PU) 200m run 10 HSPU (20 Pike PU) 100m run 5 HSPU (10 Pike PU)


Tuesday @ Forsythe Park- 5:45pm Wednesday @ Forsythe Park & SHS- 5am Wednesday @ Training Room- 7:30am, 8:30, (9:30 yoga), 10:30, 4:15pm, (5:45 yoga)

For Time 1) 1 Burpee 2) 2 Pistols 3) 3 Frog Thrusters 4) 4 Dive Bombers 5) 5 Air Squats 6) 600m run

Do 1, then 2+1, then 3+2+1, then 4+3+2+1, etc. After round 6, work back down! Do 6+5+4+3+2+1, then 5+4+3+2+1, etc. Cutoff is 30 min
