Monday- Final Assessments!

Results will be compared with those from the first assessment on July 13.

4 Rounds
10 Air Squats
10 Pushups
10 H2H KBS

1 min Pushup
1 min GSQ
1 min Strict Pullup/ Ring Rows
4 min KBS


And here are the rules! 

Chest must touch floor at the bottom of each rep.  Releasing weight on chest at bottom is ok, but not required.  Torso must remain tight.  Hips, shoulders and ankles must stay aligned.  Pushups from toes = 1 pt each
Pushups from knees= 1/2 pt each
Pushups with upper body elevated on 16” box = 1/3 pt each

Heels must stay in contact with floor, hips must drop below knees.  Knees and hips must lock out at top.  Students choose their weight and get as many QUALITY reps as possible in 1 min.  
12kg= 1.5 pt each / 16kg= 2 pt each / 20kg= 2.5 pt each / 24kg= 3 pt each / 32kg= 4 pt each

Strict, no kipping and no bands!  Elbows must be fully extended at bottom, and chin must go over the bar at the top.
For ring rows, torso and hips must remain straight, with shoulders, hips and ankles in a straight line.  Ring height is set at student’s belly button when standing (bottom of rings).
Pullups= 2 pt each*
Ring Rows = 1 pt each*
Ring Rows with bent knees = 1/2 pt each*
*notice that the point values have changed here!

Students choose their weight and get as many QUALITY reps as possible in 4 min.  Rest as needed.  All variations of swings will count- single arm, hand to hand or 2 hand.  
12kg= 1.5 pt each / 16kg= 2 pt each / 20kg= 2.5 pt each / 24kg= 3 pt each / 32kg= 4 pt each

Student must pick a single modification/ weight of each exercise and stick with it through the test.  Starting pushups from the toes and then dropping to knees is not allowed!
