
Not only does today mark the beginning of 100 Days of Real Food, we also have a new assessment today!  This time, we'll be giving out a different prize for the most improved (rather than a free month) to shake things up a bit.  Give this your best effort... remember that the purpose of this is NOT to sandbag the first assessment so you can beat it by a mile on the final assessment and win the prize for most improved.  That does you no good!  Take advantage of these assessments as a way to truly challenge yourself and improve on where you are now.  No matter where you are today, there's always room to get better!  And YOUR best assessment is not dependent on anyone else's assessment, so don't compare yourself to everyone else.  It isn't a race to beat the person next to you... it's a race to beat yourself!  


In 2 min
100m Sprint
ME Burpees

-Rest 1 min-

In 2 min
100m Sprint
ME Wall Balls (20/16#)

-Rest 5 min-

800m Run for time

Scoring= For every rep of burpees and wall balls, subtract 1 second from run time. 
