
For those of you who attended Candy's yoga class last Sunday (the 10th), you got to experience yoga nidra.  This is a guided meditation, and it is AWESOME for relaxation.  There are a lot of recordings out there, but I really like the one Candy recommended to me, which she used in class.  The album, called Mukti Meditations, is available on iTunes.  The "Inner Silence" track is the one that was used in class, and there's another one called "Yoga Nidra" that is great when you have more time.  It's 43 minutes long, and I love listening to that before bed.  The idea with these meditations is to actually stay awake during the entire thing in order to reap the full benefits, so if you can listen to these at some point during the day, that's even better!  

Another great option is the app called Headspace.  Headspace has a series of 10 minute meditations... anyone can find 10 minutes a day to do this!  


Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots/ ROM drills

3 Rounds
200m Run
25 Jumping Jacks
15 Situps

Work Capacity
20 min AMRAP
400m Run
10 Thrusters (Double KB: 20/12kg)
10 Knees to Elbows

Yoga hip mobility or active stretch.

Record workout, daily hydration, and box breathing practice in your journal.  
Write down your total hours of sleep last night.  Be sure to get to bed early enough tonight so that you can get at least 7 hours of sleep!
