Week 3

Goal of the week- Sleep

Be sure to get in at least 7 hours of sleep every night.  Stop using phones, iPads and computers at least 30 minutes before bed.  

We know that proper recovery is important if you want to stay in the game.  You work hard on your training in the gym, but you have to work just as hard on recovering if you want to be able to stick with it and remain injury free.  The hydration goal from week 2 is something you’re already doing to help with recovery, but another very important one is sleep.  

Sleep affects everything!  You're muscle tissues repair during sleep and long-term memory sets in.  When you are short on sleep, even by just a little bit, you lack focus, your hormones can be imbalanced, your immune system suffers, and physical performance drops.  Unfortunately, when we have a lot on our plates, sleep seems to be the first thing to go in order to create more time to get everything done.  It’s important to realize that when we have had adequate sleep, we perform more efficiently, both mentally and physically, and perhaps wouldn’t require as much time to accomplish what we have on our lists!  Just a thought.  Here’s a great page with lots of FAQs about sleep. http://www.docparsley.com/#!faq/c5cd

Keep in mind that your ability to fall asleep is also dependent on proper hormone functioning.  Blue light lets your brain know that it’s day time, and when you are exposed to it at night, it can inhibit melatonin release, which is necessary for sleep.  Blue light is what is emitted from your electronic devices, so stop checking Facebook or texting before bed!  You should stop using your phone and computer at least 30 mins before bed, and be sure your bedroom is totally dark. 

Melatonin works in opposition of cortisol… when cortisol levels are high, melatonin is low, and vise-versa.  Ideally, your cortisol levels are highest when you wake in the morning, and it slowly diminishes during the day.  By bedtime, cortisol levels should be low and melatonin should be high, so you are ready to fall asleep.  If you have trouble falling asleep at night, work on your box breathing to shut of your stress response, and make sure you aren’t looking at electronic devices close to bedtime.



Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots/ ROM drill

400m Run
Air Squats
Jumping Pull Ups

5 Rounds
5 Suitcase Deadlift

Work Capacity
12 KB Swings
6/6 Push Presses (20/12kg)
9 Burpees

Yoga Short Form A or active stretch.

Record workout, daily hydration, and box breathing practice in your journal. 
Also, record many hours of sleep you got last night.
