

“True warriors through the ages have discovered this secret: You must first win the battle -in your mind- to win every other battle in life.  Remember; SEALFIT is more than training the body.  You must embrace the whole person and see yourself as a body-mind-spirit.  You’ll train these simultaneously, leading to optimal performance and greater success in all your endeavors.” -Mark Divine in 8 Weeks to SEALFIT

Box breathing is one of the four basic skills that Mark Divine teaches in his program.  You're already working on this before class, and hopefully, several times throughout the day.  The other three basic skills that you need to practice are: positive internal dialogue, visualization, and goal setting.

  1. Positive internal dialogue:  Start paying attention to your thoughts, and override negative thoughts with positive ones.  Change “I can’t” to “I will”.  
  2. Visualization: What you see in your mind is just as important to what you say to yourself in your mind!  Rehearse outcomes that you desire in your mind.  Visualize your training session from start to finish before you begin.  This is the dirt dive you have been doing at the beginning of class.
  3. Goal setting: Getting your goals down on paper gives you direction and momentum.  Take large goals and dice them up into smaller, more manageable bits that you can tackle one at a time.  If you haven’t written your goals down and hung them on the “goals” board at the gym yet, DO IT!!

These mental exercises are fantastic tools you can use to tackle your workouts, but they will also be invaluable in tackling everything that life throws at you.  Every stressful situation can become a great opportunity to practice these methods, and you will succeed in every aspect of your life.  When you learn to truly believe that you will accomplish something, failure simply stops being an option.


5 mins box breathing/ rolling trouble spots/ ROM drills

4 Rounds
10 Frog Thrusters
20 Shoulder Taps
30 Singles
100m Run

Work Capacity
4 Rounds
40 Jumping Jacks
20 Air Squats
40 Walking Lunges
20 Pushups
20 Butterfly Situps
20 4-count Flutter Kicks

Rolling and active stretching with bands.
