Laying around really is part of the workout. 

Laying around really is part of the workout. 


Don't forget about our Saturday workout at 8:30am!  We also have yoga on Sunday that will be great for recovery.  Candy will be doing a Yin class to work on joint health, and will follow it up with 15 minutes of Yoga Nidra, which is a guided meditation/ relaxation.  There will be some serious relaxation and recovery going on in there!

5 mins box breathing/ rolling trouble spots/ ROM drills

3 Rounds
200m Run
10 Air Squats
10 GSQ

5 Rounds
5 OH Squats (using double KBS, or modify to double FSQ)

Work Capacity
OH Squats (see mods above)
Step Ups, per leg
Sit Ups

Yoga short form A or active stretch
