

Final assessment!  If you aren't able to make it to class today, you'll still have a chance to make the assessment up on Saturday. 


1 Round
Bear Crawl
SL March
Inv Toe touch
Hip openers
Hip closers

3 Rounds
10 Hip Bridges
10 Bear Squats
10 Plank Shoulder Taps
10 Ball Slams
20 Jumping Jacks

Work Capacity

Pushups (modify by elevating on a box- no knees!)
DU/ Battling Jumprope
KB Swings
Air Squats (butt to wall ball!)

*20 seconds of work: 10 seconds of rest x 8 rounds.  Perform all 8 rounds of the first exercise, then rest exactly 1 minute before moving to the next.  Your score for each exercise will be your lowest number of reps performed on any of the 8 rounds.  For example, if your numbers for pushups are: 14, 14, 12, 11, 11, 11, 10, 12 then your final score for pushups is 10 (your lowest performing round).

Couch Stretch
Figure 4 Stretch
