

Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots
ROM drills

2 Rounds
200m Run
15 Double KB Cleans

Work Capacity
3 min AMRAP x 5 Rounds
Rest 1 min between each round.

3 Double KB Cleans (or 3/3 single arm)
6 Burpees
9 Situps

*In 3 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible.  Rest 1 min.  Repeat the 3 min AMRAP.  Rest 1 min… etc, until 5 rounds of the AMRAP have been completed, for a total of 15 working minutes.

3 mile or 30 min run at moderate pace. 

Yoga or active stretch.

Record workout results in training journal.
Continue with all weekly goals so far, and remember to create a daily goal to focus on each morning, and record it in your journal.
