*Good mornings with PVS pipe:  PVC should remain in contact with tailbone, upper back and back of head throughout the entire move.  This is a proper hip hinge.  Remember this form when you do your kettlebell swings!

*Good mornings with PVS pipe:  PVC should remain in contact with tailbone, upper back and back of head throughout the entire move.  This is a proper hip hinge.  Remember this form when you do your kettlebell swings!


Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots
ROM drills

Walking Lunges
Jumping Jacks
Good Mornings with PVC
Bear Crawl width of gym and back

3 Rounds
30 sec Hollow Body Hold

Work Capacity
4 Rounds
30s Each for Max Reps
Step Ups- Left
Step Ups- Right

Accumulate 2 min in prying goblet squat or OH squat*.  

*If the prying goblet squat position comes easily, and you are able to sit in the bottom of the squat with good form (no rounding of the back, heels down) without the help of a kettlebell,  work on holding a PVC overhead in the bottom of the squat.   

Yoga or active stretch.
