Sonia Martin started teaching with Octane back when we were still High Octane Bootcamp, holding classes outside in various locations and in all kinds of weather.  One day at the ball fields, we struck up a conversation and she told me she was a personal trainer, and would be happy to come teach classes with us if we needed any more instructors.  She was hired!  I'd been trying to find someone to coach some classes for us, and then Sonia just sort of landed right in front of me.  

Right from the start, Sonia was eager to help in any way we needed her, always going that extra mile without batting an eye.  If she saw a need, whether it was teaching class or cleaning the bathrooms, she was there.  If a coach had a last minute emergency, she was there to fill in.

Any Octane member who was lucky enough to be a part of Sonia's classes could feel the passion she had for fitness.  Her drive was contagious and she was very motivating to her students.  Not only that, but Sonia truly cared about every single person in her classes, who were not just her students, but her friends.  Sonia's classes were a welcoming, high energy, and fun place to be.

I know I speak for everyone at Octane when I say that I am so grateful Sonia was part of our team for so long.  I'm truly thankful for her positive attitude, discipline, commitment, and friendship.

 We all love you, Sonia, and wish you the best in your endeavors!  You are a wonderful trainer and we know that you will be welcomed and appreciated everywhere you go.  Please come back and see us! 

Please drop in and see Sonia at any of her classes around town!  She teaches PiYo and Warrior Training at Infinity Pilates, Tabata and PiYo at iEncourage Fitness, and bootcamp and PiYo at InFit!  There are a lot of great opportunities to join in on her classes!




Kettlebells today!  Wear your flat shoes, or plan to kick them off and go barefoot ;)

Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots
ROM drills

2 Rounds
30 sec Plank
2/2 Arm Bar Stretch
5/5 Halos
5/5 Windmills
10 GSQ
10 DL
50m Farmer Carry

Work Capacity
Take your time!  Focus on form and work as heavy as possible.  Consider this kettlebell "practice".
6/6 Supine to seated
6 Suitcase DL
6/6 Kneeling Windmill
6 Suitcase DL
6/6 Kneel to Stand
6 Suitcase DL
6/6 TGU
6 Suitcase DL

10 KB Around the World Swings (unbroken if possible!)

KB Around the World Swings:
3 Single Arm Swings- L
2 Two Hand Sings
3 Single Arm Swings-R
2 Two Hand Swings

2 min/ 2 min couch stretch.
Roll hands/ forearms
