Eat your veggies and do your get ups. They do a body good. 

Eat your veggies and do your get ups. They do a body good. 

What is Prehab? 

You are probably familiar with the term “rehab”, which refers to rehabilitating the muscles and other soft tissues after an injury.  Prehab happens at the other end of the spectrum; it’s what you do in order to prevent an injury from happening in the first place.  Muscle imbalance and faulty movement patterns are at the root of all chronic injury, so the goal of prehab is to restore and maintain proper movement patterns, and ensure muscular balance throughout the body.  

Balance is vital for any athlete to remain healthy.  Joints need to be mobile, but also stable.  Muscles need to have tension to create power, but too much tension without enough flexibility will lead to injury.  Likewise, any athlete who wants to stay in the game needs to work on their recovery just as hard as they work on their training.  

Prehab work is part of our program here at Octane.  Most of our students don't even realize it, but the movements we do work on enhancing joint mobility and stability, muscle flexibility and strength, and overall muscular balance.  Starting next week, we will be hosting an 8 week Prehab and Conditioning Camp for youth athletes, ages 13-17 to work on these fundamentals.  Using kettlebells and bodyweight, we will work on functional movement patterns and conditioning to help your young athlete stay strong for their sport.  They will be introduced to yoga for athletes, and learn the value of proper recovery.  Even if your child doesn’t play sports, this will be a great class get them moving in a safe, fun environment!



Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots
ROM drills

3 Rounds
100m Run
10 Lunges
10 Frog Thrusters
30 Singles

Work Capacity
30:15 x 4 of each
Mountain Climbers in Rings (modify to floor)
Burpees (modify to squat jumps if you get fewer than 4 burpees each time)
DU (singles)
Hollow Body Hold

Perform all 4 rounds (30 sec ME and 15 sec rest) of one exercise before rotating to the next station.  

800m Run

Yoga or active stretch
