Kristen, Tenesha and Holly are demonstrating their new favorite "exercise".  

Kristen, Tenesha and Holly are demonstrating their new favorite "exercise".  


Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots
ROM drills

3 Rounds
10 Air Squats
10 Shoulder Taps
10 Lunges
10 Jumping Jacks

Work Capacity

Card Game!

Players form a large circle and are each dealt 7 cards.  On “go” everyone works through their cards one at a time, passing each card to the player on their left as they finish it.  The goal is to be the first player to get rid of all your cards.  Keep in mind that the player on your right will be passing cards to you, so you have to move faster than they are!  You will need to get rid of your cards faster than the new cards are coming to you.  Game is over when one player is out of cards.  Players will rest, re-deal the cards and play again, depending on time available.

Hearts= killers
Diamonds= pushups
Clubs= wall balls
Spades= KB Swings

Face cards are worth 10, Aces are worth 11

10 min mobility- rolling with balls and/or rollers
Yoga or active stretch.
