Sign up with the Octane Training team for the Spartan Sprint on June 18th in Dallas!  We are signed up for the 11:15 wave.    Find all the info here...

Sign up with the Octane Training team for the Spartan Sprint on June 18th in Dallas!  We are signed up for the 11:15 wave.    Find all the info here...


ROM drills with PVC

3 Rounds
5/5 Halos
6 Fig 8 Lunges
6/6 Bent Over Row
10/10 Bird Dog

3 Sets
3-5 DFSQ+ MP
3-5 Pullups

*Remember that these strength sets are never to failure!  Once your reps start to really slow down and become a struggle, STOP.  These should be nice, smooth reps.  You also need to be recording your weight and reps for every set.  Write them in a training journal or keep notes in your phone… just keep track of them somewhere!  Once you are consistently getting 5 good reps on any of the exercises, it’s time to increase the weight or move to the next level of progression. 

Work Capacity
10 min AMRAP
1 Arm Bar + TGU- L
1 Arm Bar + TGU- R
*Hold the arm bar stretch for 3 seconds, reset to starting point and flow in the TGU.  Be smooth, and strive for perfect from each rep.  

100 H2H KBS

3 Rounds
30 sec/30 sec couch stretch
30 sec prying GSQ
