Joe Dee represented Octane this weekend in Shreveport at the Sunrise Triathlon.  He did a 400m swim, 13 mile bike and 2.66 mile run, and took 5th place in his age group. Woot woot!  Congratulations, Joe Dee!  

Joe Dee represented Octane this weekend in Shreveport at the Sunrise Triathlon.  He did a 400m swim, 13 mile bike and 2.66 mile run, and took 5th place in his age group. Woot woot!  Congratulations, Joe Dee!  


ROM drills

3 Rounds
1/1 Arm Bar
3/3 Windmills
3/3 Halos
5 Good Mornings
20 sec Prying GSQ
Bear Crawl


3 Sets
3-5 DL
3-5 MP
3-5 Pullups

Work Capacity
10 min TGU, working as heavy as possible

Then, for time
10/10- 8/8- 6/6- 4/4- 2/2 
1 Arm KBS

Accumulate 1 min Hanging L-Sit
