Someone has been playing in the chalk bucket again... 

Someone has been playing in the chalk bucket again... 

We are halfway through our 8 week kettlebell challenge!  For the first 4 weeks, we were working on 3 sets of 3-5 reps on our strength exercises.  For the second 4 weeks, we are moving to 5 sets of 3-5 reps.  Everyone should be recording their weights and reps done for every strength set!  Once you have reached 5 reps consistently at a given weight or pullup progression, it's time to move up to the next weight or progression.  If you aren't keeping track, you have no way of knowing when to move up!  Simply writing down your weights and reps will go a long way to helping you make progress.  Write it down!!  Also, if you are able to go continuously through the strength supersets without resting, you aren't going heavy enough to actually make any strength gains.  Rather than strength, you're turning it into muscular endurance work. You need to GO HEAVY and rest 2-3 minutes between each set, and you should actually feel like you need that much rest!  Use that time to do some corrective work or soft tissue rolling.  I'm going to start programming some corrective exercises in with the strength work to help with this (you'll see prying goblet squats and arm bars in there today), but feel free to switch them out with something else you need a little extra work with.  If you joined us for the track and stadium workout on Monday, you may benefit more from some calf rolling instead! 


ROM drills

3 Rounds
1/1 Arm Bar
5/5 Halos
30 Singles

5 Sets
3-5/3-5 Single Leg DL (or stick with both legs)
3-5/3-5 MP
3-5 Pullups
2-3 mins Prying GSQ and Arm Bar

Work Capacity
60:0 x 3 Rounds

*Box Jumps or Broad Jumps
Rest :30 between rounds

Roll quads/ glutes/ hamstrings


*I'm really on the fence about programming box jumps.  You've probably noticed that I don't program them very often anymore!  Since none of us actually need to improve our vertical jump, we only use box jumps as a power move... an explosive, plyometric exercise more for the purpose of metabolic conditioning than anything else.  We all know that box jumps do come with some risks- if you've ever busted your shin on one of those boxes, you won't forget it!  We can accomplish the same type of result that we're after by using other exercises that don't present the same risks.  In my opinion, broad jumps are probably the best, and tuck jumps or squat jumps will work, also.  A lot of you (myself included) just love doing some box jumps sometimes, so I'm not going to stop programming them altogether!  However, if box jumps aren't your thing, or if the impact bothers your joints, feel free to sub another one of these exercises instead.  But if you are doing box jumps, remember to step off the box (rather than jump off) and modify to squat jumps if you get to the point where you are struggling to get those knees up high enough!  
