
It's June 1!  We are officially halfway through 2016.  Holy cow, that's hard to believe.  It's time to reevaluate those 2016 goals you put on the board back in January.  Have you gotten closer to attaining your goal?  Are you making any progress at all?  A few of you have met at least one of your goals- congratulations!  Time to come up with another!  If you aren't getting any closer to accomplishing your goal, it's time to really work on some action steps to get you there.  Or maybe your priorities have shifted since January and the goals you set then no longer really matter to you.  Go back and read your goals and let's see where you need to go from here!  If you weren't with us at the beginning of the year, create at least one goal for yourself to accomplish before 2017, and pin it to the board!  Anything fitness related (or not fitness related!)... get it on the board and let's work on getting you there!  Make sure to keep those goals measurable, so you actually know when you've reached them.  "Look good naked" (not mentioning names, Kelli) is tough to judge, unless you plan on stripping down in class to prove whether or not you've met it :-P  



Shoulder mobility with PVC

3 Rounds
10 Shoulder Tap- Plank
10 Knee to Elbow- Plank

15 KBS
20 Walking Lunges
100m Run

Work Capacity
5 RFT, 30 min cutoff
20 Pullups*
30 Pushups
40 2-Count Flutter Kicks

50 Air Squats
(modified= 1/2 reps)

*Kipping is allowed on these pullups, as long as you are able to do at least 1 strict pullup!  If not, modify with bands, to jumping pullups, to body rows or to kettlebell rows.

Rolling and stretching

