
Women's health clinic is tomorrow!  This is a totally free workshop!  We'll go over some nutrition and lifestyle tips for maintaining a healthy hormone balance, and Shannon Grooters of Beauty Counter will be presenting some great stuff for you.  She'll be providing samples of some great skincare products that are certified by the Environmental Working Group as perfectly safe and free from endocrine disruptors.  Mimosas and chocolate will also be present! ;)  Join us at 4pm, right after yoga!



Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots/ ROM drills

200m Run
5 Jumping Pullups
5 Dips
5 Squat Jumps

Work Capacity

20 min AMRAP
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Air Squats


400m Run For Time
400m Run For Time
200m Run For Time
200m Run For Time
work to rest ratio is 1:1

Yoga or active stretch.
