
Week 8

Goal of the week- Unplug

Pick one day this week to stay unplugged.  You may use your phone for necessary calls and texts, but no social media or games!

It seems like we can’t go anywhere or do anything these days without constantly checking our phones.  We’ve developed such short attention spans and have lost our patience, requiring constant stimulation to keep from feeling bored.  We get in line at the grocery store and immediately whip out our phones to check Instagram.  We read Facebook posts while pumping gas, and we even play games on our phones during meals.  We see it in restaurants all the time, and perhaps are guilty of this ourselves- a family is sitting at the table together, and they are all staring down at their phones, as if there weren’t anyone else sitting at the table with them. Not only is this habit killing our posture, but it’s killing our ability to connect with others and to be present.

This week, your challenge is to pick one day and totally unplug.  Yes, for an entire day!  Obviously, you need to use your phone to contact people, but the rule is that you may only use it for necessary calls and texts.  No social media and no games!  When you are waiting for something to happen, like when you’re standing in line somewhere, and the urge to browse on your phone strikes, take a look around you instead.  Notice the people around you, make eye contact and say hello to someone, maybe even strike up a conversation!   When you’re eating, pay attention to your food.  Actually taste it, slow down and chew, and enjoy the meal, rather than scarfing some food as quickly as possible while reading the news.  Focus on what you’re doing at the moment and enjoy where you are.  Breathe.  Just be present.  Connect with people around you.  Stop letting the world zoom past unnoticed, while you’re nose is buried in your screen.  




Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots/ ROM drills


2-Count Mountain Climbers


Air Squats




3 Double KB Front Squats


Work Capacity


Wall Balls


Killers, per leg

Toe To Bar



50 2-count Flutter kicks

30 Good Mornings

Yoga or active stretch.
