If you're still clean when bootcamp class is over, you definitely didn't do something right.  

If you're still clean when bootcamp class is over, you definitely didn't do something right.  

Please note that there will not be a 10:30am class today, folks!  We'll have 5am, 8:30am, 4:15pm and 5:30pm.  



Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots
ROM drills

10 Walking Lunges
3 Inchworm with pushup
10 Good Mornings
10 Straight Leg March
10 KB Swings


Work Capacity


A- 400m Run
B- 2 rounds of 100m Lunges + 100m Traveling KB Swings

B Starts lunges, while A runs 400m.  Once A returns, he takes over the lunges while B runs.  Partners continue swapping until 100m of lunges and 100m of traveling swings have been completed twice.


Yoga or active stretch.
