Having your friends with you makes working out more fun... and it may even save you some money!

Having your friends with you makes working out more fun... and it may even save you some money!

The 8 week Fitmas Challenge starts today!  Don't forget, it's your responsibilty to sign yourself in to class.  If you aren't signed in, you won't get credit for your attendance!  

Staying fit during the holidays is fantastic, but you know what else is great?  Saving money!  Be sure to pick up some referral cards at the gym, write your name on them, and pass them out to friends.  If your friend brings that card in, they get $25 off one month of membership, and so do you!  There's no limit to the number of discounts you can get, so the more friends you bring, the more you save.  



5 Push-up to Downdog
10 Air Squats
20 Bird Dogs (10/10)
30 Singles

Work Capacity

For time (30 min cutoff)
800m run
20 Wall balls
20 Sit-ups
20 Squat jumps
20 Push-ups
20 KB Swings
20 Double-unders
20 Double Thrusters
20 Pull-ups
20 Good Mornings
20 Burpees
20 GSQ
20 Knee to elbow plank


