3x 30 sec each
Ball Slams
Knee to Elbow Plank
Flutter Kicks
Walking Lunges
Work Capacity
Partner B must perform the exercise given while A works on reaching the reps given. Partners can swap at anytime, but reps being performed by A don't count unless B is also doing his/her part! One they finish the total reps given for one exercise as a team, they move on to the next pair of exercises.
A- 100 Air Squats
B- Squat Hold
A- 80 Pushups
B- Plank Hold
A- 60 Pullups
B- DU or Battling Jumprope
A- 40 Burpees
B- Hollow Hold
A- 20 Double Thrusters
B- Handstand Hold
Then, complete 1 mile run, tag team style
Roll and stretch