Check out these guys!  Orkan, KayLea and Scott did the Spartan race in Dallas on Saturday. And no one is allowed to complain about bear crawling in the gym ever again. They had to bear crawl up and down the stadium steps... LOTS of times! &nbsp…

Check out these guys!  Orkan, KayLea and Scott did the Spartan race in Dallas on Saturday. And no one is allowed to complain about bear crawling in the gym ever again. They had to bear crawl up and down the stadium steps... LOTS of times!  Great job, guys! 👊🏻



Roll quads and calves

5 pushup to downdog
10 frog thrusters
30 singles
100m run


Work Capacity

400m run
20 wall balls
20 situps
20 DU



Roll and stretch
