
**Special announcement:  Due to popular vote, our afternoon classes will now start at 4:30 instead of 4:15!  Starting TODAY!** 

Week 2 

Nutrition goal

No added sugar.  You may eat foods that have sugar naturally occurring in them, like fruit, but you can’t have anything with sugar added to it.  For example, you can have unsweetened applesauce, but no applesauce with added sugar.

You’ll have to read the ingredients list of all the processed/ prepared foods and drinks you buy to see if any form of sugar has been added.  Here are some common ones to look out for:

dextrose, brown sugar, cane crystals, cane sugar, corn sweetener, corn syrup, corn syrup solids, crystal dextrose, evaporated cane juice, fructose sweetener, fruit juice concentrates, high-fructose corn syrup, liquid fructose, malt syrup, molasses, raw sugar, syrup, fructose, lactose and maltose

The ONLY EXCEPTION here is that you may use raw honey and/or pure maple syrup sparingly.  Use it to sweeten a cup of tea or add a bit to a smoothie.  But don’t swap out your Oreo addiction for spoons and spoons of honey! 


Day 8- Monday


For 6 mins:
30 sec jumprope
10 OH squats
20 shoulder taps
30 sec flutter kicks

Work Capacity

Remember to record your workout in your training log!

5/5 Single Arm Dead Clean*
Bear Crawl length of gym/ crawl backward back
Rest 60-90 sec between rounds

*Full stop at the bottom of each rep to re-set – no swinging or “touch and go” momentum allowed.

ME Hand Release Pushups*
ME Ring Row*
60-90 sec rest between rounds

* Don’t go to absolute failure, but stop the set when tempo slows or you lose form.

10 KB Goblet Pause Squat*
10-15 TTB or Hanging Knee to Elbow
60-90 secs rest between rounds

*2 Second PAUSE in the bottom of each squat.  Watch the clock!

20 sec Ball Slams
20 sec DU/ Battling Jump Rope
20 sec rest


Roll out and stretch, then finish with 5 minutes of box breathing or alligator breathing.
