Special announcement (again): Well, unfortunately, it turns out that moving the 4:15 class to 4:30 isn’t a good solution for us. So scratch that idea. The 4:15 class will once again be starting at 4:15. But have no fear, we’re working on adding a 5:…

Special announcement (again): Well, unfortunately, it turns out that moving the 4:15 class to 4:30 isn’t a good solution for us. So scratch that idea. The 4:15 class will once again be starting at 4:15. But have no fear, we’re working on adding a 5:15 class to the schedule!  We just need to get the coaching ironed out.  We’ll let you know as soon as we get this going!

Day 9- Tuesday


5 pushup to downdog
5 pullovers
10 bent over rows with band
10 lunges


Work Capacity

Every 30 sec x 6 mins (12 rounds total, 6 rounds per arm)

5 Single Push Press
As heavy as possible. alternate Arms each round.



6/6- 6/6- 4/4- 4/4 Single Arm KB Strict Press
ME Pull Ups
Rest 60-90 secs between rounds.


10/10 Single KB Rack Walking Lunge
10/10 Halos
Rest 60-90 secs between rounds.


10/10 Bent Over Rows
10 Burpee To 6 Inch Target
Rest only 45 secs between rounds.


Roll, stretch and alligator or box breathing.
