
Kettlebell 42

Kettlebell 42 kicks off today! Commit to staying consistent with the training program and nutrition goals for 42 days, and you’ll have the ability to make a huge impact on your strength, athleticism, and body composition.

It’s really important that you track your workouts for the duration of the program. So grab a notebook or just use the notes section in your phone for your training log; whatever works best for you. You’ll need to record the weights you used and reps you completed on every workout. In future workouts, you’ll be referring back to those notes so you’ll know what to do next! I also highly encourage you to use your training log to record your nutrition notes. Every week, I’ll tell you exactly what you need to record for the nutrition part, based on what the goal is for that week.

Week 1

Nutrition goal

Eat 3 meals every day (don’t skip meals!) and include a serving of protein at each meal. Any form of animal protein is fine, protein supplements (like collagen or whey), or beans.

A serving size is about 1-2 palm-sized portions of meat or beans. For protein supplements, go with the servings as directed on your package. If you’re having eggs, one egg isn’t enough! To be counted as a full protein serving, you need THREE.

In your log, FIRST, record your current waist and hip measurements and weight, if you have a goal of changing your body composition. Then, every day, record what your three servings of protein were.

Day 1- Monday


For 6 mins:
30 sec jumprope
10 OH squats
20 shoulder taps
30 sec flutter kicks

Work Capacity

Remember to record your workout in your training log!

5/5 Single Arm Dead Clean*
Bear Crawl length of gym/ crawl backward back
Rest 60-90 sec between rounds

*Full stop at the bottom of each rep to re-set – no swinging or “touch and go” momentum allowed.

ME Hand Release Pushups*
ME Ring Row*
60-90 sec rest between rounds

* Don’t go to absolute failure, but stop the set when tempo slows or you lose form.

10 KB Goblet Pause Squat*
10-15 TTB or Hanging Knee to Elbow
60-90 secs rest between rounds

*2 Second PAUSE in the bottom of each squat.  Watch the clock!

20 sec Ball Slams
20 sec DU/ Battling Jump Rope
20 sec rest


Roll out and stretch, then finish with 5 minutes of box breathing or alligator breathing.

