
Week 6- our final week!

Nutrition Goal

Eat a lighter, earlier dinner. Be sure you’re finished eating 2 hours before bed.

If you go to bed with food in your stomach, your sleep will be disturbed and your ability to detoxify will be diminished. Most of your body’s detoxification process happens during sleep, but it can’t direct energy toward this process if it has to digest food!

Your digestion is strongest when the sun is highest in the sky… this means that your mid-day meal should be your largest of the day. And since you should be going to bed without food in your stomach, the closer to bed time you eat, the lighter and easier to digest your meal needs to be. So, if you just can’t seem to finish dinner two hours before bedtime, then stick with a bowl of soup or a smoothie- both of which are easy and quick to digest.

Day 36- Monday


1/1 arm bar
10 good mornings
5/5 halos
bear crawl length + back with yoga block

Work Capacity

5x Double KB complex

1 complex:
1 Dead Clean
1 Dead Squat Clean
1 Swing Clean
1 Swing Squat Clean

Perform 1 rep of each move, 5 times through as a complex.  Don’t set the KBs down during the complex.
60-90 secs rest between rounds.

ME KB Pushups
10 Batwings
60-90 secs rest

4x DFSQ *cluster set
10 Floor Wipers (10 per side)
60-90 secs rest.

*Cluster set – do 3 reps, then rest 10 secs and repeat until all clusters are finished = 1 Round.

20 sec Wall Balls
20 sec Lateral Ball Slams
20 sec Rest


Roll, stretch and box breathing
