

I’ve got some nutrition tips for you guys to help you maximize the impact of this program…

For weight loss: stick with three meals daily plus a post workout shake. For each meal, include a source of protein, some healthy fats and as many veggies as you can fit on your plate! Eat as much as you need to of these foods to feel satisfied; don’t go hungry! Add in a protein shake after your workouts (whey protein in water, unsweetened coconut milk or almond milk is perfect). To improve insulin sensitivity and enhance fat loss, incorporate a modified fast by skipping one or two meals on one or two days per week. But no skipping meals more than twice per week! More is not always better, friends.

For weight gain: again, stick with three meals daily plus a post workout shake. On days you don’t workout or are doing cardio training (Monday, Wednesday and Fridays in the gym), include a source of protein, healthy fats, and as many veggies as you can fit on your plate at every meal. In your post workout shake just use whey protein in water, unsweetened coconut milk or almond milk.
On days you do strength training (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays in the gym), include those same things at each meal, but also add in a source of complex carbs (like sweet potatoes, white potatoes, or whole grains) at the first meal that follows your workout. In your post workout shake on these days, include some simple carbs (this is where adding sugar is ok!). Whey protein in chocolate milk or chocolate almond is perfect.

That’s it! Keep it simple ;)


30 singles
20 mountain climbers
10 squats
100m run

Work Capacity

30min cutoff
800m run
40 situps
600m run
30 pushups
200m run
10 burpees
200m run
30 pushups
600m run
40 situps
800m run


1 min per side of each
Couch stretch
Figure 4 stretch on wall
