
New Shirt Orders

It’s time for a new round of Octane shirts! This time we’ll be ordering a women’s muscle tank and a unisex tee, both in teal. Both shirts are $23 each and an order form will be at the gym. Write your order on the form or message Shannon with your order! You have through Wednesday, March 11 to place your order, and payments are due no later than Monday, March 16.

Sweat Bet Winner

Friday, February 29 marked the end of the last sweat bet, and Cassie Raley is our winner! She made it to over 25 classes and submitted her food log each week, and in return, she walked away with 75 bucks. Woot woot!

New Program

Last week, we finished 8 weeks of the Basecamp training program, and this week we are kicking off 8 weeks of the Aerobic Bodybuilder program. Monday, March 2 is assessment day, but if you miss that workout, you can make it up any other day within the week. In this program, we’ll be incorporating more running and more opportunities to build endurance… but you’ll still see some of the same types of strength work that we did during Basecamp, too. You aren’t done with those slow negatives, yet! In order to maintain the strength and muscle mass you worked so hard for since the beginning of January, it’s important to stick with the muscle building work along with those endurance workouts.

You still won’t see workouts posted, but plan on being inside on Tuesday and Thursday, and be prepared to do more endurance based work on Monday, Wednesday and Friday (that’s code for wear your running shoes). If you wind up needing your running shoes on a Tuesday or Thursday, I’ll be sure to post on our Facebook and Instagram pages, so be sure to subscribe to our feeds there so you’ll be notified if a post goes up!
