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Real Food Challenge- Day 2


Real Food Challenge- Day 2


"If it came from a plant, eat it.  If it was made in a plant, don't."

It's all about nutrient density.  Processed foods will fill you with calories quickly, but still leave your body starved for nutrition.  Plant foods are low in calories and are loaded with vitamins, enzymes and minerals that your body needs for optimal functioning.  



All the tips given for the 28 Days of Real Food Challenge were compiled from "Food Rules", by Michael Pollan.


28 Days of Real Food Kickoff!


28 Days of Real Food Kickoff!

Time to cut the crap, folks!  The next nutritional challenge will begin Monday, April 20, and go through Monday, May 18.  This challenge is all about eating REAL food.  There is nothing to count, and no worries about how much protein, fat or carbs you're eating.  This is not intended to be a fat loss or muscle mass gaining program.  Your goal is just to focus on quality food, and feeding your body the nutrition it needs to thrive.

The program we are doing is based on 100 Days of Real Food.  All whole, natural foods are allowed, including 100% whole grains and organic, pasture raised dairy products.  Also on the 'yes' list are... drumroll please... wine and beer (in moderation, of course)!!  For those of you who have been with us for a while, you know that we generally encourage a more paleo approach when it comes to nutrition; especially avoiding grains.  But not everyone is on board with this, and that's ok!  So for those of you who aren't ready to try the grain free approach yet, this is a perfect place to start.  For those of you who have already cut out grains, then continue to do so!  Along with the guidelines that are given by the 100 Days of Real Food program, we are adding in a second level, which is grain free, and a third level, which is strictly paleo.  So pick the level that works best for you. 

The kickoff meeting will be held in the training room at 7pm on Thursday, April 16, following the 5:45 workout.  We'll go over the rules briefly, answer questions, and head next door to the Foundry, where Chad and Meredith have offered to let us use their facility to watch a movie.  Thanks, guys! :)  We'll be watching Food, Inc, which is a documentary about our industrial food system.  If you need motivation to ditch processed food, or aren't sure why it matters, WATCH IT.  We'll provide a snack as well. :)  Bring everyone you know!  




My aunt sent me this recipe, for a flourless zucchini bread, and I had to pass it on to you guys! It's a great occasional treat to help with those cravings when you're just starting to cut out gluten. Chocolate Zucchini Bread 1 cup Justin’s chocolate hazelnut butter blend. 1-2 Tbs cocoa powder 1 cup shredded zucchini (squeeze excess water out of the shredded zuc.) 2 large eggs 2 Tbs grade B maple syrup 1 Tbs pure vanilla 1 tsp apple cider vinegar 1/2 tsp baking soda 1/8 tsp sea salt 1-2 Tbsp mini chocolate chips (I omitted these, only because I didn't have any!)

INSTRUCTIONS: Preheat oven to 400 deg F In a med bowl combine the chocolate hazelnut butter, cocoa powder, eggs, maple syrup, vanilla and sea salt and blend with a hand held mixer for 2 minutes on med speed. (This is important, the 2 minutes) Add baking soda and vinegar and blend for 30 more seconds Stir in shredded zucchini. If really watery, squeeze out excess water. Place in a lined or greased loaf pan. You can use one 5X9” pan or 2 mini loaf pans. Top with 1-2 Tbs of mini chocolate chips. Bake for 23-28 minutes if you have mini loaf pans and 35-50 minutes for large loaf pan. Start testing with a toothpick at 35 minutes. Allow to cool on a cooling rack and serve. --------------------

Tuesday @ Training Room 5am, 7:30, 8:30, (9:30 yoga), 10:30, 4:15pm, 5:45

Slow strength work! 4 RNFT 10 Strict Pullups (eccentric or body rows) 10 Ring Dips (box dips) 16 SDHP, AHAP

-Then 50 Box jumps 50 Situps


Tuesday @ Forsythe Park- 5:45pm Wednesday @ Forsythe Park & SHS- 5am Wednesday @ Training Room- 7:30am, 8:30, (9:30 yoga), 10:30, 4:15, (5:45 yoga)

1 mile run for time, EMOM 8 push-ups

-Then accumulate 2 min each L-sit Squat hold (face wall, arms overhead)




How Sleep Loss Adds to Weight Gain"The relationship between sleep loss and weight gain is a strong one, borne out in a variety of studies over the years. Large population studies show that both adults and children are more likely to be overweight and obese the less they sleep at night. In smaller, controlled studies, scientists find that when people are allowed to sleep eight hours one night and then half that amount on another, they end up eating more on the days when they’ve had less sleep. One pivotal study at the University of Colorado in March showed that losing just a few hours of sleep a few nights in a row caused people to pack on an average of about two pounds."

Read the whole article here:

Training Room Workout Thursday Partners- 4 Rounds for Time (each partner does A+B 4 times) A 3 Handstand Pushups 6 Thrusters 9 SDHP

B max butterfly situps


Bootcamp Workout Friday For total time Run 800m, rest 2 min Run 400m, rest 1 min Run 200m, rest 30 sec Run 200m, rest 30 sec Red & Black only- Run 400m *cutoff 17 min




We had a great week last week! Over 40 members did the first assessment, which is a record! Everyone seemed to get off to a great start on the New Year's Challenge, and it's exciting to see so many on board with it. We had 5 new members sign up and join in on the challenge, too. Great way to start the year! We can't wait to keep up with everyone's progress! Be sure to get your goals for this week down on your sheet now, if you haven't already done so. We have folders at the gym for you to store your packets in, if you'd like. Whatever you do, don't lose them!

Our open gym on Saturday was a big success. Bribery with food always seems to do the trick! And it was worth it... I was a big fan of the carrot muffins. As requested here are the recipes I used:

For the carrot muffins:

For the sweetener, I used 1/3 cups of honey

I used unsweetened applesauce instead of sour cream or yogurt

I didn't have oranges, so I left out the orange zest, and for the oil, I used coconut

For the Breakfast Flax Cookies:

I used Earth Balance coconut and peanut spread for the peanut butter. Mmmmmm :)

Training Room Workout Zone test, for time: 30 air squats 30 butterfly situps 30 lunges 30 mountain climbers (per leg) 30 pike pushups 30 hip bridges 30 dips 30 burpees 800m run *25 min cutoff

Black= 15 mins or less, no modifications Red= 15:01-20:00 and/or 1 modification Blue= greater than 20 mins and/or 2 or more modifications




Are you still getting in those 6 fruit and veggie servings from the Fuel Up challenge?! Daily Workout 20 thrusters 20 SDHP 20 Push Presses(10L/10R) 20 OH squats (10L/10R) 20 Goblet squats

Emom 4 burpees. 20min cap.




Fuel Up Finale!

This is the 8th and final week of the Fuel Up challenge!  Rather than introducing a new challenge this week, your goal is to repeat all of the goals for weeks 1-7 at one time.  It seems that many of you have fallen off the wagon and haven't stuck with all of the challenges, so that's what our focus will be!  Here are your goals:

  1. Eat at least 6 fist-sized servings of fruit and veggies per day (at least 4 must be veggies).
  2. Have at least 3 palm sized servings of protein every day.
  3. Eat 3 thumb-sized servings of fat daily.
  4. Drink your water!  Multiply your body weight by 0.7 to get the number, in ounces, of water you should be drinking daily.
  5. Cook all of your own meals, and pack your lunches!  Eat out no more than once this week.
  6. Have one meal that contains a food source of Omega-3 fats this week, and take a supplement daily.
  7. Get at least 7 hours of sleep EVERY night.

Daily Workout

Partner Resisted Strength Work 4 rounds, as little rest as possible between exercises 30 sec Shoulder Press/ 30 sec Lateral Raises -switch- 200m sprint relay (100m and back) 30 sec Leg Throws -switch- 100m Finger drag relay (50m and back)





Fuel Up Week 6!

We’re going to continue the fat challenge this week… last week we included a thumb-sized serving of fat three times daily.  But what about the types of fats you’re getting?  You had a chart to refer to last week, which showed you which fats to eat and which to avoid, but what you may not know, is that most of us have a significant imbalance of Omega 3 fats to Omega 6 and 9.  That’s because Omega 6’s and 9’s are easy to come by in our diet, but it’s pretty rare than we get in just as many omega 3s.  The best sources of omega 3s are found in certain types of fish.

Your goal this week is to eat a serving of one of these great food sources of omega 3s!  Just one serving all week?!  Is this enough to fix out our omega imbalance?  Nope.  So, unless you manage to get in these food sources of omega 3s every day, then your OTHER goal this week is to purchase a quality Omega 3 fish oil supplement and start taking it!  How much do you need?  Well, that is totally dependent on the amount of omega 6 you get in your diet.  Starting with the recommendation on your bottle could be a good place to start… at least one gram of omega 3 daily is better than none!

Daily Workout

Do as many unbroken reps as you can, slow and controlled, without resting or breaking form.  Go through the full circuit on the right side, then repeat on the left.  Complete 3 rounds per side.

KB Pushups (right hand elevated on KB) OH Stationary Lunges Single Leg Straight Leg Deadlifts Bent Over Row



9 Burpees 12 SDHP
