Attention Octane members! If you haven't given your coach a voided check or credit card information so that we can get your membership into our new system, please do so ASAP! Even if you don't want your payment to go through quite yet, we can set the payment date to a later date in October for you. We just need to be sure everyone is up to date so that no one will have to catch up on payments in November. Thank you for being so patient with us and helping us out during this transition! It's been a crazy month, but this new system is going to be pretty awesome :)

Daily Workout

30 TGU (15R/15L) -then- 1 min Clean & Press- R 2 min shuttle runs (20m distance) 1 min Clean & Press- L 2 min killers 1 min Clean & Press- R 2 min situps 1 min Clean & Press- L 2 min burpees *score= total reps completed
